Monday, October 19, 2015


Becoming bold.
I'm talking to you, mamas.

This is a characteristic I've never associated with myself or motherhood until recently.

Motherhood is a new season for me, and I love finding others who are walking this same path. It's such an encouragement to walk alongside friends and learn from each other. It might mean trying something new, going some place you've never been, and talking with new people.

You might not be able to find a playgroup that meets at the right time or location for your baby because of nap schedules, feedings, or feeling odd jumping into an established group. So, start one. I did and love it.

Look for activities for you and your baby to do together. CHP and I love going to the library for baby story time every week. She loves the music, hearing the stories, watching other babies, and we both like getting out of the house.

J and I have tried a couple of small groups at church. It's been hard adding CHP into the mix because some small groups bring the kids. For us, this option wasn't ideal, so we kept looking and have found a different small group that seems to be a better fit.

I've been encouraged by reading For the Love to keep pursuing community. It has been great talking with J and figuring out what that looks like and how we can love others.

It might take a step of boldness, being uncomfortable, and reaching out again, but keep trying!
Happy Monday, mamas!

Tuesday, October 13, 2015


Building memories as a family is so important to me and when friends are like family, vacationing with them is the best! 

Two of my best girlfriends, their husbands and us love to try and meet up a couple or more times a year. Now that the wedding season of our lives is coming to a close, we're looking forward to traveling to new places and each others' homes more often. 

Labor Day week, we met our besties in Tybee Island and had the best time. 

They are incredible to let us bring and love on our beach-hating baby. How can she be my child, if she hates the beach!? Maybe next summer we'll have more success when the waves, noise, and sand aren't so overwhelming.

Adding a baby into the mix, sure does change things: early dinners, early bedtimes, nap scheduling, and general fussiness being out of her routine, but it's so much fun having her spend time with people we love and see new places.

None of us had been to Tybee before and liked the beach and loved that it's so close to Savannah. The boys golfed, and the girls shopped. We snuck in some beach time with J and I trading to watch CHP nap in the condo. Our favorite spots were: Tybee Social Club, Collins Quarter, Tequila's Town, and Red Clover.

We can't wait for our next trip together! 

Friday, October 2, 2015

This Rain Makes Me Basic

I know everyone is over this rain, but I'm loving it.

I love that it has brought cooler weather. This summer was so beastly hot.

Postpartum hormones + hot natured + carrying CHP, a diaper bag, and car seat everywhere = sweaty, gross mama ALL summer long.

I love wearing my Hunter boots. day. after day.

I love another reason to brew a second pot of Trader Joe's pumpkin coffee. Even if it means reheating it five times because I've gotten distracted with CHP.

I love alternating between my Lulu pants and my new favorite Target pants. They are the softest, most comfy, lounging pants ever. Go buy a pair; you'll thank me.

I love our growing grass. We had it planted before all of the rain started, and now we have a lush, green yard. It makes me so excited for all the hours of playtime we'll get out of it next spring when CHP starts walking.

I love that CHP's nap schedule has been amazing this week. Her room is so dark, and she's napped for longer than usual, which probably means we need to purchase darker blinds.

I love another excuse to go grab a latte at local coffee shops with friends. If you're in the area, Jubala has a pumpkin spice that tastes like pumpkin pie, and Sola has one that is lightly spiced and only slightly sweet, which is how I like a latte. I know, #basic right?

This week has been exactly what we needed. People seem to always ask what CHP and I do all day, and we keep ourselves busy between baby story time at the library, playgroup, Bible study, small group, seeing friends, running errands, and playing at home. But this week, we didn't have many plans and loved a little down time before I work this weekend.

Snuggle up, light a fall candle, brew a pot of coffee, and enjoy your rainy weekend!