Monday, March 25, 2013

Guest Bedroom Re-Design

I'm thinking about and planning doing a guest bedroom make-over. Last summer, we moved from a one bedroom apartment to two and since then we have worked on finishing the master bedroom before starting the guest.

We've picked out quality pieces of furniture for both; however, our guest bedroom is a little bare and needs some love.

So far with our apartments picks, I've been pretty conservative and classic with the choices for furniture and decor. But for the guest room, I want something that is bright, bold, and a little different than what I normally choose.

I love the color combo of navy and coral shown in this photo.

And recently, I've been dying for a little spot to make my own for blogging and projects. I love the white desk and the frames above it with the organization of the bookshelf.
While I'm not sure that white is going to be the exact match for our current bedroom furniture, I'm willing to try it since the desk won't be in the guest bedroom for ever. Just until we buy a house, then it'll find it's own space.

Thoughts or suggestions that I can add to my bedroom project board for this make over?

Linking up with Molly and Carly


  1. I love the navy and coral combo!! So pretty!!

  2. You did a beautiful job. Love it! coming from #yolomondays

  3. Oh love the coral and navy combo! Too cute. Can't wait to see what you do!

  4. Very pretty! I love every aspect of this room. Can't wait to see what you come up with.

