Tuesday, March 12, 2013

How to Survive a Miserable Cold

For the past week, I have been a little more than down and out. I haven't been this miserable with a cold/virus/whatever this is in forever. I'm a nurse, so my immune system is really great, but this one has really done it to me. 

Here is what I've been loving over the past few, sick days. 

1. I'm loving the DayQuil NyQuil combo. They have been my lifesaver. The best was on Saturday morning, the chef brought a glass of water and two DayQuil tabs to me as soon as I stepped out of bed, that is love.
2. I have been drinking one cup of tea after another and my favorite is Numi Rooibois chai tea with a splash of milk and a squirt of honey. It's soothing, calming, but has a little bit of spice without the caffeine, so I can still take an afternoon nap. 
3. I stocked my kindle with books to keep me busy. I just finished one that I'll tell you about later this week. 
wow, I wish I had this view instead of my living room and slippers
4. I ran out of DVRed shows and wanted to catch up on a few we have missed, so I downloaded more Nashville from iTunes. 

5. And while I can't fully smell it, I couldn't help burning my favorite candle: Marshmallow Fireside. It just makes me feel nice and cozy. 
6. Aida has definitely been the best companion while the chef has been at work. She never leaves my side and lays around all day with me except for the occasional nudging to give her a bone. 
Here's to feeling better and looking forward to my sister and Mom coming this weekend! 

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