Thursday, March 21, 2013

It's happening...European Vacation!

I have some very exciting news to share with you...

Our tickets are booked!

We are heading to Europe for our vacation this spring. I could not be more excited for this trip that has been in the making for over a year. 

Our first stop is London. I have flown through London numerous times but have never actually seen the city. Sad, I know. We want to tour the city and see our friend, Peter who lives there. 
Vienna is next and this is the spot I'm most anxious to see. I am beyond excited to be back home and see all of the old places I knew growing up. I can't wait to share with the chef my favorite spots, take a carriage ride around the Ring, and share a piece of Sachertorte (famous Austrian chocolate cake) at the Sacher Hotel. There couldn't be a more perfect way to start 26 than by sharing it with my love in the city I love most. 
Germany and good friends will be the third stop. My friend, Jenna and her husband Craig have been stationed in Germany for the past two years. And for two years, I've been dying to visit them. I cannot wait to see the village they live in and travel with such fun friends.
And lastly, I have been dreaming about visiting Paris with my husband; I can't wait to see the Eiffel Tower with him. Isn't it amazing that I grew up in Europe and never had the chance to see it?
And if we can pack anything else into the two weeks, we would love to go wine tasting in France and possibly catch a flight to Rome.

If you have any suggestions, places to see, or budgeting tips, please tell me in a comment! I'd love to hear your advice. 


  1. We are in the middle of planning a Europe trip right now!!! We are going in the summer and our travel agent is super busy figuring out all my weird requests, haha!!

  2. We are planning a similar trip for next spring! I am looking forward to hearing your recommendations after you go. :)

  3. Am I still allowed to come? :)

  4. Oh. Em. Gee. I am SO excited for you!!! I went to both London and Paris last year (London was my first trip "across the pond"), and I can't say enough great things about them. There are SO many things to tell you, but I fear I'd end up writing you a book, so I'm just going to direct you to the "Vacations" tab on my blog ( You'll see the four Paris posts first (plus an intinerary, if that's helpful to you.) Scroll through three or four more posts, and you'll hit the last London post (I think I did three total). And obviously, let me know if you have any questions - I'm happy to help in any way! :)

    Yay (again)!
