Thursday, March 14, 2013

On My Bookshelf...or Kindle Menu

I found this book through another blogger and thought it looked interesting, so with the one touch on Amazon (it's seriously dangerous to be able to purchase a book with one click) I bought it and started reading. 
I'm not a mom yet, but Melanie had me laughing from beginning to end with stories about learning to be a mother and how much work and joy it is to be one. The book is written by a blogger and so it flow more like a blog (I thought) than a novel or biography; it was mostly little, short stories. I would definitely recommend this read even if you're not a mom because it was sweet, hilarious, real and simply a fun read. 

What is on your nightstand or kindle menu? I'd love recommendations! 


  1. I LOVE to read and am always looking for new books to try! Thanks for posting about this, I'm adding it to my list!


  2. oh, girl, i really want to read that book too! you'll probably get to it before me so let me know how it is!
