Monday, April 1, 2013


Oh death! Where is your sting?
Oh hell! Where is your victory? 
Oh Church! Come stand in the light!
Our God is not dead, he's alive! He's alive! 

Easter was a little different this year than last. We celebrated Saturday night by going to the Summit for church with another couple. My friend Allison and I braved getting up super early before night shift to go, and I'm so glad that we did. I loved the service and sharing it with close friends. 

I worked Saturday night but was thankfully off for Sunday, so we shared Easter dinner with our small group at our leaders' new house. I'm so thankful for friends in Raleigh who have become like family to us. I love sharing the holidays with them as most of us are away from family. 

And I'm a bad blogger and didn't take a single photo of our Easter. 

On a similar note of thanksgiving I am particularly thankful that three years ago today my mom survived major brain surgery. Life hasn't been the same since, but I cannot imagine life without her. She is the most kind, tender hearted, strong, amazing, best friend, and mom.

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