Thursday, April 18, 2013

Planning for Europe

There is so much planning that goes into traveling, especially a European vacation. There are so many sites to see and foods to eat while in these amazing historic cities.

How did we decide where to go? 

Well, I have always wanted to go back home, which is Vienna, Austria, and experience it with my husband. I want to show him my favorite places in the city and relive my childhood. 

Schonbrun Palace Gardens - taken on my last visit home
One of my good friends from college got married the summer after graduating and soon moved with her pilot husband to Germany. They have been there for almost two years, and I've been dying to visit her in Europe. Originally, we were going to visit them but now the plan has changed and we're meeting  her in Salzburg, Austria. Salzburg is a stunningly beautiful city that I visited in high school but cannot wait to experience as an adult. 

One of Jeff's childhood friends is British and currently lives in London. He has visited us a few times and even came to our destination wedding in the Dominican. We couldn't pass up seeing him and visiting London

Lastly, we chose Paris because it's so romantic and how could we not go when we're so close? I cannot wait to see the sites, taste the delicious food, and sip on a coffee in a cafe. 

We chose May because it won't be too hot yet and hopefully before lots of tourists arrive, and all of the gardens will be in bloom like the one shown above. 

So you might be thinking that we're missing out on Italy, Spain, and Greece, we are on this trip, but we're hoping in the future to do a Mediterranean vacation. Maybe if I can overcome my motion sickness, we'll even try a cruise! 

Next week, I'll tell you what we have planned for London. Do you have any questions I can help answer about planning a European vacation? 
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  1. Yes!! Go on an Italy cruise with us :)

  2. i started planning for our italy vacation later this year and we're looking at renting apartments in a few of the cities we're staying in. we used air bnb when we did our last trip to london/paris and were really happy with the experience of staying in an apartment v. hotel.

    love london & paris, jealous of your trip!

  3. Hey Aileen! What a great trip this will be! I know it will be so neat to show your husband the places that make up your childhood memories! Matt and I actually went on a Mediterranean Cruise last year and absolutely LOVED it! I highly recommend checking out I swear by them! They send out a weekly top 20 list for deals from your city. We booked our cruise through the link that they provided us last year and got an incredible deal! ...Can't wait to see pictures from your trip! I'm following you on GFC. :) ...Thanks for stopping by this week! Oh! And I'm co-hosting a blog hop tomorrow if you want to stop by and join in on the fun!


  4. OH yes... I have SO much left to plan, haha! I cannot wait to hear what y'all are doing in Paris. Have y'all booked a hotel in Paris? Where are y'all staying? That is my goal this week, to book our hotels!
