Monday, April 8, 2013

Spring Weekend

Spring seems to finally have arrived in Raleigh. We had a fabulous weekend, seriously one of the best we've had staying in town. 

I enjoyed a three day weekend off from work which was such a nice break. Friday, I cleaned almost every inch of our apartment, and you would not believe how much dog hair I found. 

The chef made a fabulous dinner for our friends, Allison and Jarod. 

I have been wanting to try this brie recipe and there was no better time than when we had guests and didn't have to eat the whole thing ourselves. 

Allison got a new kitchenaid mixer and made these amazing strawberry cupcakes.  They were so pretty and really delicious. 

Saturday, the chef and I got up early (early for me) and got going for the day. I was so proud of myself getting to three Pure Barre classes this weekend. And since we're trying to soak up the city and find new places we went to Cameron Village in Raleigh for lunch and then walked around enjoying the sunshine. 

We were then challenged on Saturday night by JD's sermon at the Summit before we met our neighbors and their parents/in-laws for dinner in Durham. I was so excited to finally find my favorite cider, Crispin on tap. I thoroughly miss Golden West in Hamden with it's ice cold Crispin, veggie burger, sweet potato fries, and surprisingly amazing brussel sprouts. Nothing here quite compares. Or if it does please let me know. 

And the best news of my weekend was getting a text with this photo. Laura and Justin are getting married! I couldn't be more excited or happy for them.

The best part: Justin proposed this past week in Italy. ahh, so romantic.
source: Photo stolen from Justin
So, happy Monday! Hope you have a large coffee to get you started with your week.


  1. Those cupcakes look so professional! I wish my icing looked like that and it never does, ha!

  2. aww thanks for the shout-out ;) We are so excited! We also might want to pick your brain about your destination wedding ;)

