Friday, April 12, 2013

workin on my fitness

Do you remember this song? Takes me back to college days.

At the end of college, I finally decided I needed to get in shape and get healthy. Why I didn't decide to do this sooner is beyond me. 

Ok, let's be honest, I got engaged, read Skinny Bitch and decided to go veggie and start exercising. 

I tried going to the gym at college and that worked for a while, but I didn't see results. 

After college and moving to Baltimore, I saw lots of blog posts and facebook statuses about Pure Barre and how it was changing bodies. 

There weren't any PBs in my area, so I started going to Baltimore Barre and in a month I lost seven inches between my waist, thighs, arms, and hips. I finally found my workout. 

Since we moved again, I found a Pure Barre and committed to going as often as possible every week. 
I love the that PB sculpts, strengthens, and elongates my muscles and body. While I love working out, I have a hard time getting motivated on my own, so I love taking classes because the instructors push me to dig deeper and find my shake and burn.
It has been a life style change for me to stop relying on good genes to keep me small, but to really want a toned body and work for it. I love these classes and highly recommend trying one out.

Linking up with Kelly's Korner


  1. I miss pure barre so very much! My next city requirement when we move is it must have a PB! Haha

  2. Everyone loves Pure Barre! I've heard so many great things about it, but can't get over the initial sticker shock yet, ha. Especially because we already pay for 2 gym memberships.
