Monday, May 13, 2013

Birthday and Mother's Day!

Thank you so much for everyone who linked up and shopped last week! It was so much fun to shop other blogger's closets. 

We had such a great, relaxing weekend at home. Not to sound like oldies but sometimes it's nice to stay home and rest. 

My mom and sister came into town and spent the night with us on Thursday. I pulled myself out of bed early in the afternoon (post night shift), so E and I could soak up some sun and chat poolside. 

Mom surprised me with these beautiful spring flowers, birthday banners, and a mountain of cutely wrapped, early birthday presents. She also made the most delicious white cake with mocha frosting. (I have been eating my way through it ALL weekend!) She knows me well! 

We also celebrated HER by making English muffin french toast topped with strawberries and presents for Mother's Day. It was so much fun celebrating what a fabulous mom she is.

Saturday, I spent the morning and early afternoon at the pool, while the chef golfed and got groceries. We loved church this weekend and as always, was challenged by the message. Afterwards, we ate a delicious dinner at Lilly's Pizza in Durham before meeting co-workers at a birthday bash at Fullsteam. It was so much fun going out with them, and I can't wait to spend time again outside of the hospital.

I found and purchased the cutest carryon for our trip but unfortunately it is way too small for a carryon, and there isn't a larger size. Bummer. So, I'm going with the boring neutral black carryon. And the packing has begun! Our guest bedroom is a staging area so that I don't forget anything.

I hope the next three days go by quickly because I only have three shifts before vacation!! Come on Friday! 

Linking up with Shami, LeeAnn, and Sarah

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