Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Limited Space Organizing

Hey everyone, I'm Sarah and I blog over at Limited Space Organizing! I'm a 20-something newlywed, accountant by day, blogger by night.  I love to blog about anything organizational, DIY, or recipes.  My true love is organizing.  If I could go organize for a job, I totally would!

Here are some things you may find on my blog:

1. Recipes-

2. DIY Projects-

3. Organizational Tips

Some other bloggers and I have just started an Instagram challenge called #piclove365, we are taking a picture a day for the next YEAR! It's not too late to join in, we will be having a link up at the end of every month so you can show off your favorite pics! Please come by and say hi! I would love to meet you!!

Here are my social media sites if you would like to follow along:


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