Monday, May 6, 2013

Savannah Weekend with Besties

I want to slow time down and go back to this weekend. We met up with two of my besties and their men in Savannah for a weekend stay in a historic house all together. 

I absolutely love seeing them and the last time we were together was in December for Mallory's wedding. (on the left) I love planning and going on trips with these two, and this time it was even more fun because the men were along for the ride. 

 They were definitely a good time!

The boys dodged rain showers to play golf, while we went to a Pure Barre class, shopped, and found dainty macarons.

It was a fabulous but too-short weekend, and we're already planning our next trip. 

Linking up with Shami and LeeAnn


  1. How fun!!! I've never been to Savannah but have always wanted to go. Looks like you had a blast.

    Thanks for linking up for MMG :)

  2. I love weekends with the besties! & I've been wanting to try Pure Barre classes... I just need to convince myself to spend the money! ha

  3. I love Savannah!! I was just there for a bachelorette party a few months ago!!

  4. I am in love with Savannah! Such a pretty city. Love weekends with friends too.
    I found you from the blog hop and if you have any time would love for you to stop by my blog!

  5. planning a weekend in either charleston or savannah with the husband this summer. i've been to charleston, but never savannah, which would you recommend? hopefully we'll get to do both!

  6. I bet your weather was a lot like ours in Hilton Head...I am glad you made the most of it and it looks like you had a lot of fun! I can't wait to check out Savannah for myself!
