Thursday, June 20, 2013

European Vacation: United Kingdom

I haven't meant to hold out my Europe posts from you. Life has just been crazy since we got home from  our trip. I loved every minute of being overseas and would go back in a heart beat. I just love being in a different culture, trying new foods, and seeing amazing historical sites.

We started our vacation by landing late at night in London. I highly recommend finding a flight that flies through the day to Europe because it was great arriving and being able to head straight to bed. (Most flights fly through the night and arrive in the morning and then you're beat starting your trip).

Our first day in the UK we rented a car and drove to our friends Peter and Ada. They live about an hour outside of London. The Chef bravely drove on the the opposite side of the road on their crazy highway, we got lost, turned around on the roundabouts and finally found their house with Peter waiting in the driveway.

Peter and Ada took us on a fabulous tour of their town, and we spent the afternoon doing a pub crawl of their favorite spots. 

Our first stop was the Feathered Nest where we ate lunch. It was a very posh spot with gorgeous views and tasty foods. The Chef had his first fish and chips, and I of course tried it. I honestly could have stayed there all day, but we had more places on our list.

We stopped by the local church that had little stands set up with tea and cakes, and we found the brewery stand.

I'm not a huge fan of beer or ale, but I loved this beer. Unfortunately, the ginger beer that I love they don't export to the US. I savored every last drop. 

After finishing our beers on a green spot outside of the church, we headed for the pubs. It was exactly what the Chef had in mind for the UK, and I think it was his favorite time of our trip. I didn't even attempt to photograph the pubs because it wouldn't have done them justice. They are just so cozy with their low ceilings, fireplaces, and the no-rush attitude of the patrons or the workers.

Our favorites were: The Fleece and The Holly Bush. Let's be honest, the Brits aren't known for their food but every meal we ate there was amazing. The pubs know how to do it right.

We had the best time seeing the British countryside with Peter and Ada. We only wish we had had more time with them in their town. We definitely enjoyed the non-touristy sites and soaking up the true British culture.


  1. Great pictures! I'm going to London in a couple weeks, and your photos have me really excited now :)

  2. I can't believe y'all survived driving on the opposite side of the road. How confusing!
