Saturday, July 6, 2013

European Vacation: London part 2

Back to our European tour...

Our second morning in London, we enjoyed a lovely walk to Buckingham Palace in the crisp but not rainy weather.

Buckingham Palace was pretty but honestly I was slightly disappointed. I thought that it would be more magnificent especially compared with my idea of a palace (wait until I share Versailles and Hofburg with you). It just didn't wow me, but we still enjoyed the experience. 

As we were walking away from Buckingham, we saw the cavalry heading to do changing of the guard. We followed them and enjoyed the tradition of seeing the changing. 

The horses and guards put on quite the show for us and the place was buzzing with tourists and activity. 

Yes, I even jumped in front of other people to get my picture taken with this guy. As you can tell, I was extremely excited about the opportunity and to be with the gorgeous horse. Always a horse lover here. 

We walked downtown London to our hearts content before getting on our river cruise (included in our Original London Tour pass). We cruised down to the Tower of London.

Originally, I had planned to purchase the London pass, but we quickly realized that London's sites were more spread out, and we wouldn't have enough time to hit at least three sites to make it worth the purchase. So, we chose to do the Tower of London which included a Beefeater tour as well as a tour of the Crown Jewels. I'm so glad this was our choice because we got a great history of the tour and enjoyed the day there. 

After our tour, we headed to a highly recommended dinner spot called Kettner's in the theater district before seeing Wicked. Our food was beyond delicious, the service was amazing, and the atmosphere unique. It was a flappers era restaurant with plush chairs, roaring 20s music, and a fun cliental. 

The first time we saw Wicked was in DC when my MIL got us tickets two years ago. We absolutely loved the show and have made ourselves see other shows since then but have been dying to see Wicked again. We couldn't help ourselves when we saw it was showing in London. Our seats weren't as good but the show was phenomenal. 

Before we knew it, our time in London was over and we were off to Vienna! Home sweet home for me. 

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