Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Teriyaki Skirt Steak with Pineapple Relish

This past weekend, the Chef made two delicious eMeals meals for us to enjoy during the week. It's always a treat that he cooks fabulous meals so that I eat incredibly well during the work week. 

I enjoyed both recipes, but the skirt steak with pineapple and snap peas was so fresh and interesting. It was pretty easy to make, so it would be a great option to try this week! 

Ingredients: (from eMeals) serves 2 + leftovers
2 Tbs pineapple juice
1/2 cup low sodium-soy sauce
2 Tbs honey
1 Tbs grated fresh ginger
2 Tbs rice vinegar
1/2 lb skirt steak
1/4 tsp salt
1/4 tsp pepper
3/4 chopped pineapple
1 green onion chopped
1 small jalapeno, minced

Combine pineapple juice, soy sauce, honey, ginger, vinegar, and oil in a large zip-lock bag; add steak. Seal and refrigerate 30 mins - 2 hrs.

Preheat grill (or heat stove top skillet) to medium-high. Remove steak from marinade, reserving marinade and sprinkle steak with salt and pepper. Boil marinade in a medium saucepan for 5 mins or until thickened. Grill or cook steak for 4 mins per side or until done.

Combine pineapple, onion, and jalapeno in a small bowl and serve with steak.

Side dish ingredients:
12 oz package steam-in-bag sugar snap peas
1 Tbs butter
1/2 tsp grated orange rind
1 Tbs fresh orange juice
1/4 tsp salt, 1/4 tsp pepper

Microwave peas according to package directions and then transfer to a bowl. Stir in above ingredients and toss to coat.

Linking up with Jessica, Ashley, and Chelsea

Are you wondering what eMeals is? It's a company that offers a wide variety of meal plans that you can choose from and once you've chosen they send you 7 meals recipes including the grocery list. We absolutely love eMeals because it's decreased our grocery bill, time spend searching Pinterest for dinner ideas, and helped us eat healthier. I highly recommend checking them out.

I was compensated for this post in the form of a subscription; however, all of the ideas and thoughts are my own. The Chef and I love this company and their meal plans. 


  1. Looks so fresh & yummy! Would love it if you link-up with us for #kitchenspiration! Check it out at http://www.ourlittlenestblog.com/2013/08/kitchenspiration-link-up.html?m=1

  2. Looks yummy! Pinning this to my Main Dish Recipe Pinterest board! Thanks for sharing, Aileen!
