Monday, September 23, 2013

birthday weekend

We headed to my parents' house on Friday to spend the weekend celebrating my sweet mom's birthday.  Saturday morning, she made us breakfast. Once my sister and I were finally up and moving for the day, we surprised mom by taking her to her favorite tea spot.

She was so cute; when we drove up she was said, "Girls, they are closed on Saturdays" ...but not if you make a reservation.

We had the whole place to ourselves and enjoyed a delicious four-course tea tasting. We stuffed ourselves with scones, red velvet cupcakes, chicken salad, cucumber sandwiches, and peach, pistachio pies. We loved the pot of chai tea mom picked. 

I love getting to spend the day with my mom and sister. It was so much fun chatting, catching up, and celebrating having the best mom.  

After our afternoon tea, we did a little shopping in town. It was fun going with mom and helping her pick out a few tops. And my sister helped me pick out frames for a gallery wall I'm going to start working on. I also found this cute pillow to hopefully help complete our master bedroom. 

One of my favorite parts of going to my parents' is setting a beautiful table and enjoying a tasty meal with the best company. 

Dad grilled steak, the Chef made these twice baked potatoes, asparagus, and a fruit salad. For dessert, mom requested an ice cream cake, so while we were drinking tea, the Chef made a very rich ice cream cake. 

Happy birthday Mom! I'm so thankful for you and to have been able to spend the weekend celebrating you. 

Linking up with Shami, LeeAnn, and Sarah


  1. That tea tasting looks wonderful, what a perfect day. Happy birthday to your lovely mother!

  2. your blog is so darling. so happy to be your newest follower, and to have you on my sidebar this month :)

