Tuesday, September 3, 2013

exciting news!

I hope you had a great Labor Day weekend full of sun, friends, and food! Last night, I was off of work so we enjoyed a delicious dinner at our friends' house with cold drinks and burgers. It's so nice having sweet friends, and it was a nice break in the middle of a stretch of shifts. 

Even though it was Labor Day the PICU was packed and busy. Here's to hoping tonight will be better! 

Our exciting news is that today, we found out we're going to be an aunt and uncle to a sweet NIECE come January! I'm excited for the first baby in our family and that she's a girl! It'll be so much fun buying everything that's sparkly and sweet for her. 
So what are your favorite Etsy shops for baby items? What are the best items to get for your baby niece? I'm ready to start shopping! 

Linking up with Shami, LeeAnn, and Sarah


  1. oh i love shopping for my friends for baby stuff! i can't remember the name of the shop but they sell the cutest fabric headbands!

    Helene in Between

  2. How exciting!! I have two nieces so I am shopping all the time! I've found that the nicer TJ Maxx's have great designer baby duds. I love them don't get me wrong, but they will grow out of baby polo and dvf very quick! Do you get Rue La La emails? They also have great designer children's wear!

  3. oh girls!!!!! All I have are three nephews, so I can only imagine how excited you are!!!

  4. Yay! So much fun! On first glance, I thought this was you and I was about to scream with excitement! :)

  5. I've had the best luck with adorable baby/toddler clothes from Mini Boden. So cute. Congrats on your exciting news!: http://www.bodenusa.com/en-US/Mini-Boden-Clothing.html
