Thursday, October 31, 2013

European Vacation: London part 2

I never finished sharing about our European vacation that was back in May.

In order to not get overloaded with posts, I'm going to try to have travel posts of our vacation on Thursdays. We're not going to be traveling anywhere exciting in the near future with all of the upcoming holidays.

So, looking back at our Europe trip will have to keep my desire to travel at bay for now.

You might remember our first day in London.

Our second day was packed full.

After stuffing ourselves on the delicious hotel breakfast, we took our coffee and headed toward Buckingham Palace.

Can we just talk about how amazing European hotel breakfasts are? And how miserable American ones are in comparison? The American breakfasts are full of processed, unhealthy foods whereas every European breakfast we ate had fresh bakery items, muesli, eggs, meats, and tasty coffee and teas.

We stopped by crowded Buckingham Palace for a quick photo op before following the calvary down another street.

We found a changing of the guard to watch before continuing our walk.

We followed the calvary for more changing of the guard.

And I even elbowed my way past the other tourists to get a photo with this man and his horse. 

We loved walking around the city, seeing the sights of Big Ben, and Westminster Abbey.

We decided we didn't have enough time to see the inside of too many sites after our walking tour.

Westminster Abbey was unfortunately not included in our London Bus Tour and was fairly expensive with a long line, so we opted to visit the famous tour of London with an exhibit of the Crown Jewels instead.

I accidentally lost our Bus ticket with a 24hr hop on hop off but somehow still had the included river cruise, so we cruised down to the Tower of London.

We really enjoyed the ride because we saw another view of the city and got more history.

We loved the Tour of London with the tour from a Beef Eater and seeing the royal jewels.

After our afternoon touring, we grabbed a taxi back to our hotel before heading to dinner at Kettner's.

It was a recommendation from one of the Chef's friends, and it was the best place we ate in London. The atmosphere was incredible with everything decorated in roaring 20s style.

We would have loved to have stayed longer, but prior to our trip we bought tickets to our favorite show: Wicked.

It did not disappoint.

We loved London and wish we had had more time to spend in that amazing city. Honestly, I was a little overwhelmed by the crowds of tourists and how long the lines were, but I can't wait to go back someday again.

Our next stop was my favorite because it was home to Vienna!

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