Thursday, October 24, 2013

Meal Planning

We've already started planning our 2014 trips and vacations.

Two wedding dates are set for the spring, a mountain/cabin trip is in the works with my besties, and a few others that will hopefully take shape soon. 

As we start planning these trips, we're also trying to save for our first house. 

In order to do all of these things. I have started trying to cut back in other areas of our life. 

I'm trying to improve our grocery budget. 

That's where meal planning comes in....

The past few weeks, I've been trying my hardest to create meal plans and stick to them. We've used EMeals and love it but also want to start re-using recipes from EMeals and our moms' instead of constantly trying new plans every week. As I write this, we're trying two new ones this week. 

Here is what this upcoming weekend/week (my work week starts on Saturday) will hold: 

1. Veggie Lasagna, loosely based on Jenna's recipe

2. Tacos. We have most of the ingredients on hand already. 

4. Mustard-roasted pork tenderloin with red potatoes and a side salad 

We're also hosting our small group next week and decided to do heavy appetizers: turkey meatballs, veggies and hummus, and sweet potato coins
What are ways that you are cutting your budget, so you can splurge in other areas? 

We're obsessed with traveling, especially before babies, so I'd love any tips or tricks to save money to do so. 


  1. Those sweet potato coins look amazing. I love meal planning and your meal options sound great!

  2. I am huge fan of keeping the lights off when the rooms are empty at home as well as freezing vegetables that are going on sale at the store for a later date. I love meal planning!

  3. This isn't related to food, but one of the ways my best friend saves money is saving any $5 bill she gets. $5 bills aren't used frequently, so it's an easy way to save $5 here and there! It seems to work pretty well for her :)
