Monday, October 7, 2013

the work weekend

As much as I love the nursing schedule of three days/nights per week. The dreaded weekend shifts always seem to put a damper on things.

This past weekend was my weekend to work. 

Thankfully, I had a great assignment for the three nights. It makes such a huge difference when you get the same kid back night after night. Consistency is usually a nice thing.

I did end up getting Sunday night off.

We had a lazy relaxing afternoon and evening. I dragged myself out of bed and over to Pure Barre to get my butt (legs, arms, and abs) kicked.

And then we enjoyed a big bowl of this warm beef and butternut squash stew curled up on the couch with a lit pumpkin candle, catching up on our tv shows.

Honestly, I have never been much of a fall lover until this year.

I don't know if it's that I always feel like summer is so short (and it's my favorite!) and this year it has been warm until October or if it's because of the impending winter season. Or if it's the football craze. I'm not sure which but this year I've been embracing fall.

I'm looking forward to slightly cooler weather and trying to not think about winter. I love the famous pumpkin spice lattes, I love the pumpkin patch setup near our apartment, I love the crockpot recipes I've found on my favorite foodie blogs, and I love that my favorite B&B wall scent is back so our home smells amazing. And football, I'm learning to like...

Hope you've had a happy Monday!

Linking up with Shami, LeeAnn, and Sarah


  1. Just found you from the Sami's Shenanigans linkup. Super cute blog! Love the look of it and am going to read some more:)
    P.S. I admire nurses big time. You are all awesome!

  2. Ugh I love fall but I've never really experienced one. That sounds crazy. Lol. It just never gets that cool and leaves don't really change in LA. Boo haha!

    Thanks for linking up!
