Monday, November 18, 2013

a carmel latte weekend

Our weekend started out a little on the sick side. 

Friday night was a cozy night in with lots of hot tea, NightQuil, Cowfish take-out, and catching up on episodes of The Blacklist. It's become one of our new favorites this season. You should definitely dvr and watch and episode. 

Saturday morning, we went house hunting and found one that we love. It's in the perfect location, updated, and has a pool. We'll see what happens...

We did a little Christmas shopping before things got crazy at the mall and then headed to Babies R Us for shower gifts. That place was insane. We got our presents and left as soon as possible. We were on baby overload.

Afterwards, I went and celebrated a sweet friend's baby boy who is due to arrive in January. We had so much fun, and I can't believe I didn't take a photo with the precious mommy-to-be.

A few of the nurses headed over to Yard House for delicious drinks and appetizers. We need to make that a monthly tradition.

Later that night, the Chef and I drove over Ashley and Steve's home for a delicious meal and the most amazing drinks. I had no idea that Ashley is the best barista. She made this tasty carmel latte for me after I was drooling over the guys' drinks.

The guys had shots of espresso in addition to carmel lattes. 

Sunday, we drove around different areas of Raleigh in search of where exactly we want to look for houses. We enjoyed the afternoon at Yard House with drinks and football. We also worked on our Christmas cards and turned on the Christmas music (gasp) to get in the spirit. 

The day went by too quickly, and it's already time for Monday again. 

I'm thankful for a full weekend making memories with great friends. 

Linking up with Sami, LeeAnn, and Sarah


  1. Fun! Prepping for Christmas and coffee. Those two things make a great weekend!

  2. Eeekk! House hunting - so fun! :

  3. This sounds like such a fun weekend - and the latte looks amazing!

  4. That caramel latte looks amazing!

    Stopping by from Sami's linkup :)

  5. That Caramel latte looks amazing!! House Hunting is fun but exhausting too!

  6. Yay for making your blog Aileen! Between your sweet post about my caramel latte and everyone else's comments about it, I am feeling pretty good! You all know how to make a girl feel special :) We loved having you guys over, and I was so excited to get to fire up the "espresso bar" for you guys!

  7. Looks like a great weekend! That caramel latte is to die for! And I love The Blacklist - one of my favorite new shows.

    Thanks for linking up :)
