Saturday, November 9, 2013

high five for...saturday

I love all of the November thankful posts that are being posted and am so thankful for our marriage and the Chef this week.

1. I only worked two shifts at the beginning of the week, so my weekend started on Wednesday morning. 

2. We celebrated our anniversary early this year with our recent trip to Vail

So on the actual day, the Chef made reservations at Saint Jacques. The food was incredibly delicious, and I'd highly recommend the onion soup and the pesto lamb chops. 

3. Thursday night we celebrated the Chef with a dinner to Cowfish and then his favorite birthday cake: ice cream cake.  

We're so thankful for this group of new friends. They have made us feel more at home in Raleigh, and I love that we are walking through the same phase of life together. It's encouraging and fun to get to share life with them. 
 4. Friday night, a group of our friends met us at Yard House for drinks and dinner with more drinks at World of Beer afterwards.  

After dinner, we talked about how thankful we are to be surrounded by great friends who we have met within the past year. It's incredible how much we have been blessed by friendship living here. 

5.  Aida. She is the sweetest girl. Since I've had so much time off this week, we've gone on a few long walks. We've loved the cool, crisp weather with the crunch of leaves under our feet (paws). 

We absolutely love all of the shades of red and orange around our neighborhood.

I love seeing this long tongue because it means someone will take a really great nap when we get home. 

Hope your week was incredible too! 

Linking up with Lauren and Lindsey


  1. Loveee World of Beer! One of my favorite places for drinks! Happy to be a new follower!

  2. This all looks so yummy! I'm glad you are so happy. I love the thankfulness of this month. Tis the season!

    Amanda Rose

  3. Any week that starts on Wednesday is pretty nice! So glad to hear you are making friends in a new city. I know it's not easy, but it's so rewarding!
