Saturday, July 19, 2014

New Beginnings

It's been incredibly too long of a writing hiatus. It was something that I wasn't planning but just needed for myself. 

We've had some big life changes, life has been rushing forward, which I'm sure it is for most people, and this little space has been neglected. 

If you follow me on IG (aileenpp), you know back in March we closed on our first house!

It's been an exciting, whirlwind of a time settling in with lots of purchases: some expected and some not so expected. Read: in the first four months we've replaced the water heater and our whole HVAC system with two new AC units. 

There have already been great memories made in our little house: celebrating Easter, my birthday, dinner parties, and friends and family staying with us. 

Through everything going on and taking a little blogging break, I've learned more about myself, my marriage, friendships, and what I want out of this space. While I was gone, I attended a fabulous blogging workshop and learned how I want to move forward with this little blog.

I've learned that I'm too hard on myself with growing this blog and constantly comparing it to other blogs. I needed to step away to see this. At the workshop, I realized that in order to grow quickly I need to have something to "teach" readers. Honestly, I don't have that something, nor do I want to. I love lifestyle blogs and that's what I want for mine. This is my space, and I want it for me and my family. 

So, I'm going to share about our life even though it might not be glamorous or thrilling all the time. But this is me, and this is us. And I'm glad to be back! 


  1. Love you and your blog! Just reading about your lives and experiences teaches everyone so much :) so glad you're back!

  2. Welcome back girl!! I am sorry to hear about your house troubles being a homeowner can be scary at times but well worth it. Looking forward to reading along with your adventures.

  3. So glad you're back! I hate that y'all had to replace those big-ticket items in that short amount of time; I feel your pain! And, I love that you share your life…thrilling or not, I love it! :)

  4. Oh I feel your pain with the AC issues!! It's our first summer in our new home and they're recommending that we buy a new unit for the downstairs! Ouch, those are pricey so I cannot imagine two!! I feel the same way with the purpose of my blog! Keep doing your thing!!

  5. I personally just love reading about everyday life. ☺️
