Wednesday, January 28, 2015

IF: Gathering

Over a year ago, my bestie Mallory heard about a new women's conference in Austin called IF: Gathering. We talked about going and decided to try and get tickets. When tickets went on sale, we were both at work and tasked our husbands with purchasing tickets. They sat at their computers and refreshed the page but the conference sold out in 45 minutes along with the site crashing multiple times.

I got one, and Mallory didn't.

As it got closer to February, Mallory found a ticket! So we booked our flights, met in Atlanta, and flew to Austin together.

The whole experience of IF: Gathering was incredible. We loved the worship, speakers, and environment of IF. The premise for last year was "If God is real, then what?"

We were challenged by each of the women who spoke and left feeling energized and encouraged to be bold women, grow deeper in our faith, and grow in relationships. After we got home, I was already planning and hoping to go again this year but after finding out that I was due in February, I knew I couldn't go. 

IF: Gathering is held in Austin, but there are local venues with live feed from the conference. I thought and prayed about hosting but decided being 37 weeks pregnant might not be the best time to host. I was so thrilled to find someone else is hosting an IF: Local in Raleigh. I cannot wait to go this year, meet new women who live in my community, and be challenged again. 

If you're interested in what IF is all about, check out their website and also look for up an IF: Local. It's next weekend, so go!

1 comment:

  1. Organized an event here and what I hear was supposed to be a very stressful day ended up going very smoothly and it is all thanks to the amazing Boston venues staff!
