Friday, April 26, 2013

high five for friday

Happy Friday! I'll be very happy when this Friday night shift is over, and I'll get to spend the weekend with the chef. We have a lot of fun things planned with friends this weekend, so I'm ready to get to work and get out. Is that how you're feeling today? 

1. In preparation for Europe and lots of walking, I bought my first pair of Toms. I've had a pair of the ballet flats but I think the regular ones are so much more comfortable. It's too bad that the flats aren't more comfy because lets be honest, they are cuter than these. But my feet will thank me that I bought these. 

2. My breakfast ..err...pre-shift meal of choice this week has been organic brown rice cakes (thanks for the IG photo Brooke) with almond butter, sliced bananas, and a drizzle of honey. 

3. I had the sweetest surprise last night while working at Pure Barre; my friend Kari made me a smoothie because I was working during supper time. It was a strawberries, peaches, pineapple, blueberries, and greek yogurt smoothie. Delicious and so sweet of her to think of me!

4. Aida got to go to Caribou with me for the first time this week and loved it. I loved it too because I love being outside but hate leaving her at home. She loved seeing all the people, and everyone commented on how sweet and pretty she is. I completely agree!

But I still can't wait for the day when we buy our first house and can have our own outdoor space.

5. My favorite snack this week has been these Energy Bites. I keep making them because the chef and I go through them pretty fast. I can't seem to stop at just one.

Hope you have a fabulous Friday! 

Linking up with Lauren, AshleeEmily, and Andrea


  1. Coming over from Kelly's Korner. I am in LOVE with your pup! I had a black lab growing up and we had to put her down a couple of summers ago, she was the best dog.

  2. Hi! I'm a new follower, I came over from Kelly's Korner! I can't wait to hear about this trip to Europe!

  3. Hi, I'm also over from Kelly's Korner. Noticed you guys live in Raleigh we just moved to Virginia from Raleigh and miss it terribly! What a sweet little pup you have, we have a boxer and she is definitely our baby! P.S I have made those energy bites and they are the BEST!

  4. Found your blog from Kelly's Korner! You work at Pure Barre?? Tell me more! Trying to get in shape for my wedding in August - I'm focusing on my arms and back... would Pure Barre be my answer?? Can't wait to catch up on the rest of your blog :) Oh! And I have seen those energy bites on pinterest and have been wanting to make them. Maybe I'll jump in to that this weekend!

  5. I definately wasn't a fan of TOMS at first but weirdly enough I love them now! They are super comfy!


  6. Here from Kelly's Korner too! I'm so jealous about your trip to Europe. Toms are the best thing you could buy for the trip! I did a study abroad through UGA and it was all anyone wore during our treks through the cities! However, sometimes those cobblestone roads can wear through the thin soles of Toms. Have fun!

  7. Comfy shoes are never cute, but who cares if you get to take a trip to Europe. So jealous, but I hope you have fun.

  8. Wow looks like a great week and that smoothie looks delicious :) You're going to Europe?! How exciting. Just started following and can't wait to get to know you better!

    xo samantha
