Tuesday, June 4, 2013

European Eats

We're back!!! Thank you so much to all of the fabulous guest bloggers who were so sweet to write on this space while we were gone.

This Taste of Tuesday I thought I would share with you a few of the amazing eats from Europe.

Feast your eyes on this delicious food.

Our first cafe stop in London, I recharged with a chocolate croissant and a milk coffee.

In Salzburg, we had the best breakfast at Fingerloss Cafe complete with eggs, meats, cheeses, musli, and breads. Unreal. I wish I could find something even close to this impressive in Raleigh.

Thanks to Mallory for introducing me to macaroons in Savannah, I searched for them every time we passed bakeries and pastry shops in Paris. I am now obsessed with macaroons.

Our first night in Vienna, we had dinner at the famous schnitzel house: Figlmuller. Schnitzel, Austrian potato salad, and wine; I was in heaven.

Purstner was a recommendation near our hotel in Vienna. The Chef was expecting a rack of short ribs and was pleasantly surprised with this platter of ribs and fresh cut potatoes. The atmosphere at this Gasthaus was unbelievable; I'll share a few snapshots later, but it won't do it justice. It was the perfect local, yet extremely unique Austrian spot.

I stuffed myself with this delicious extra large krapfen. A krapfen is a type of donut with apricot filling and lots of powdered sugar. Eating this took me back to my childhood when my mom would surprise us with these on the weekends.

A very traditional destination in Vienna is Sacher Hotel with the famous original Sacher cake.

We paired this birthday treat with delicious coffee. I love the presentation of coffee in Vienna. It's extremely strong compared to US coffee but not at all bitter like it is here. I also love that they serve a glass of water with it.

We tried the local hot potato salad and Kasekrainer (spicy sausage stuffed with cheese) outside of a little market set-up near St. Stephan's Cathedral.

After a wet day in Paris, we found a crepe stand near Notre Dame. Needless to say I had to try the nutella crepe. It was divine.

For our last night in Paris, a friend recommended Le Souffle which happened to be on the same street as our hotel so we tried it. The real French soup was fabulous.

My beef bourguignon souffle was the most interesting and tasty last Parisian dinner.

Hope you've enjoyed seeing a few of our amazing eats. I want to go back just to eat!

Happy Taste of Tuesday!

Linking up with Jessica and Ashley


  1. Wow everything looks so good! I am obssesed with chocolate filled crossiants and living here in Germany has been wonderful(or maybe not so much?) for that and my new love of schnitzel! Seriously I cannot get enough of those! It sounds like yall had a lovely time!

  2. Everything looks delish! I had nutella and banana crepes in Germany and they were so good! Looks like you had a great time!

  3. Did you have to post all that yummy food?! Now I want to eat!

  4. I bet you were in food heaven, I sure would have been!! Can't wait to see more pictures of your vacation! :)


  5. All that food looks amazing! Macaroons are my favorite cookie: wish they weren't so expensive! Trader Joe's has a package of vanilla and chocolate ones for about ten bucks which isn't so bad.

  6. You ate VERY well on vacation!!! Everything looks so good! Can't wait to hear how you packed for 2 weeks in just a carry on! Glad you linked up! :)

  7. So glad I found your blog today on the ToT link-up. I'm going to Europe in the fall and can't wait to read more of your posts about it. I'm also obsessed with macaroons!

  8. I'm so jealous!! I can taste it all now

  9. Hey Aileen! I just tried to reply to the sweet comments you left on my blog, but it looks like you are a no-reply blogger so I couldn't email you! I just hopped on over to your blog and read that you were just in Europe for 2 weeks...so were we! Well, In April, but we went to Salzburg too....wasn't it amazing?? I'm looking forward to following you along on your blog!
