Friday, June 28, 2013

high five for friday

I have absolutely loved this week. Here are some of my top five...

1. I made my first avocado toast and loosely follow Eat Live Run's recipe. Oh my, it was delicious. Definitely making more again this weekend.

2. This week has been glorious! While I hate working the weekends, four weekdays off has been unbelievable. I shared two afternoons at the pool with my mom, popcorn and movie, and chatted to our hearts content. It was like being on vacation.

3. I bought my first pack of Spark from Brooke and love it. Now, I'm just trying to decide whether or not to do the 24 day challenge. I'm just slightly nervous about whether Advocare is really safe and healthy. Any thoughts?

4.  I love rearranging and making small changes to our apartment. And I also cannot believe we only have two more weeks here before another move, and I don't want to think about leaving our incredible neighbors.

5. I spared you a sweaty photo, but I have loved being able to take two spin classes and two Pure Barre classes so far this week.  And tonight, the Chef and I will be able to go to one together! I love getting a good burn and sweat on.

Today, I'm guest posting over at Table for One. You should definitely go check out Laura Beth's cute blog!

Linking up with Lauren and Lindsey


  1. I am with you on #5! I kinda hate being sweaty, but I love knowing that I worked so hard to sweat so much! Also, that toast looks yummy!

  2. stoping by from laura beth's blog... your pool days sound amazing!!

    and i have heard so many good things about spark... i've got a sample, but i'm waiting to try it because i'm pregnant right now (even though they say it's safe, im a little hesitant as well).

  3. Looks like you've had a great week! I know moving is tough, but I bet you guys will quickly make new friends! But I am right with you- not a fan of change at all! Hope this week goes well for you too!

