Tuesday, July 2, 2013

European Vacation: London part 1

After our pub crawl in the outskirts of town, we headed back to the city of London to start our touristy touring. I have only ever had layovers in London airports and have never been able to explore the actual city. The Chef had never been either, so we were excited to start. 

Get ready - this post has lots of photos, so grab your morning brew and settle in for a while. 

We returned our rental care at the airport and headed into the city. We quickly dropped our bags off before grabbing a map and heading for our Original City Bus tour. I had already booked our tickets online because it was cheaper than in person. 

We loved getting the broad lay of the land view and history by taking the tour bus. London's historical sites are spread further apart, so we loved getting to see the high points without have to walk miles and miles. 

Big Ben was breathtaking. 

We loved the beauty of Westminster Abbey.

One of the aspects I love about the Original Bus Tour is that its a hop-on-hop-off 24hr policy. We decided we needed an afternoon snack, so we stopped at a cute cafe for a recharge of chocolate croissants and a latte.

The pubs throughout London were cozy and welcoming.

We stayed at the Marriott Grovesnor Square and were in love with our upgraded room and location. We enjoyed a yummy British breakfast every morning with fresh breads, coffee, muesli, and all sorts of meats and cheeses. The Brits apparently love their baked beans, so those were readily available.
More on what we did on our second day in London coming later this week!


  1. Looks amazing, especially that croissant! That hotel rooms looks so nice, I'll have to make a note of it for whenever we make it to London.


  2. Gorgeous! I am still so jealous! Can't wait to see more.
