Friday, July 26, 2013

high five for friday

This summer is absolutely flying by. Slow down summer. This week was a busy one at work, but let's be honest, when is it ever not busy when you're taking care of sick kids and their families? 

A few of my favorites this week have been: 

1. The Chef regularly makes scrambled eggs for us when he's home, but I started thinking about other types of eggs I like and decided to make sunny side up for myself after not one but all three day shifts this week. And I'm also really loving the Ezekiel bread that I found at Trader Joe's. 

2. I am so thankful to have had an incredibly nice patient's family this week. They made the world of difference in letting me care for their kid. I wish I could tell you more.

3. Every night this week, I have been so excited for the end of the day when I get to keep reading A Thousand Splendid Suns. You should put it on your list for the summer, and I'll have to share with you my most recent reads.

4. Back in April, I was in my friend, Brooke's wedding. Well, she was picked for "Say, Yes to the Dress Bridesmaids" and it was aired this past week. Pretty crazy. I'm so glad they picked her wedding to show clips of because it was a gorgeous beach wedding.

5. This is really taken from last weekend, but the Chef and I went on his 60+ person family reunion. For an introvert like me, it was incredibly overwhelming but his family is so sweet and fun. We met everyone for the weekend and one of the nights even got out for some drinks with the other young cousins. I wish we all lived closer because we had the best time!

Hope you have fabulous weekend plans! We cannot wait to see two incredible friends who are spending the weekend in Raleigh with us.

Happy Weekend!

Linking up with Lauren and Lindsey


  1. Sunnyside up eggs are my absolute favorite, I wish I didn't already have breakfast this morning! And that is SO cool about your friends wedding, I never watch that show but I want to catch that episode now!


  2. That's so cool and so excited that your friends wedding was on that show! It's almost like knowing a celebrity!
