Monday, July 15, 2013

weekend things

Monday has come way too fast this week. The weekend flew by with our move and running a few errands. We moved into our new place on Friday, and I'm in love with it already.

We loved having movers; however, they took twice as long as they quoted us. And believe me, we don't have that much stuff or furniture. Oh well. At least my in-laws came through town and helped us so much with unpacking and putting away items.

1. Aida wasn't thrilled about sitting in the passengers seat. She hates car rides and will only tolerate it if she's on the passenger side down on the floor board. What dog doesn't like to ride in cars? 

2. We love being so close to restaurants and tried a new one for lunch on Saturday with our friends, Allison and Jarod. Both Allison and I tried the Hawaiian Mules: pineapple, vodka, and ginger beer. It was delicious and so refreshing, and I highly recommend it. 

3. Chaos. We've been reorganizing and finding new spots for items. The Master bath is challenging because it has open shelves so everything has to be neat. Eek. But I think I can make it work. 

4. Zoes and wine. We had a relaxing Saturday evening after unpacking, organizing, and running errands. 

The only to-do's left on my list now are the curtains. We had huge windows in our last apartment and massive ones in this one. 

Oh and I'm still working on the guest bedroom re-do. I have plans and will hopefully find items soon because we're going to have friends and family coming to see us soon, and we want to be ready. 

What did you enjoy this weekend? 

Linking up with Shami and LeeAnn


  1. Glad your move went well and you're settling in!


  2. hiya lady! i found you through Leeann's link-up today and i love your little blog! i have a black lab puppy who looks super similar to your doggy, my dog likes riding in the front seat, too!!! xo

  3. Hey Aileen, I'm a new follower on GFC from the Monday Morning Gossip. I enjoyed grocery shopping and shopping for new curtains too! We also moved just moved in! :)

    I'd love it if you can follow me back :)


  4. Congrats on the move! I'm sure the most difficult part is staying organizing. Good luck :)

  5. Hi Aileen, I need to visit Raleigh again, it's so beautiful there! Congrats on your moving.

    I've nominated you for the Liebster Award!

    Wendy May
