Monday, August 5, 2013

family weekend

I have been living for the weekends (that I don't work) lately. We've been having so much fun with family and friends this summer. This past weekend was no different; my brother and SIL came to Raleigh for the first time, and we loved having them here. I cannot wait for them to come back!

1. We tried Pop-up Ice Cream in downtown Raleigh, and the peanut butter chocolate ice cream was unbelievably delicious. I highly recommend you stopping by if you're in the area.

2. We took them to Sitti Saturday night for a Lebanese dinner. My SIL got the Sitti tasting that looked amazing which I'll probably get next time. The Kafta Kabob was delicious as well.

3. After a weekend of stuffing ourselves, I finally convinced myself I had to hit up the gym. And then I felt much better. Like I always do afterwards.

4. We couldn't pass up taking my brother and SIL to Cowfish. I love going to dinner with them because they love to try anything. We got a tasting of everything at Cowfish this time: sliders, sushi, and burgushi.

5. Saturday afternoon, our apartment had a pool party: complete with a DJ, prizes, and food. It was fun, and I hope we meet more neighbors like we did at our last apartment.

Linking up with Shami and LeeAnn


  1. I always feel better after I hit the gym too...but after a lot of eating, drinking, and lounging I have a hard time getting motivated. That's actually what I'm trying to do right now-get motivated to work out today!


  2. I'm in Charlotte! I am in Raleigh quite often. My sister took me to Sitti last year form my birthday. Their hummus is to die for, it's definitely one of my favorite places to eat in Raleigh (besides Busy Bee cafe) love the pics!

  3. Looks like a great weekend! I'm going to miss those lazy summer weekends :)
