Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Christmas Card Photos

Merry Christmas from the P family! 

We haven't had professional family photos taken of us since our wedding...three years ago. Aida wasn't apart of any of those, so this year I wanted a few family photos.

I found a local photographer, Heidi and set up a date in Downtown Durham in October. 

I mainly wanted a few good shots of Aida because it's so hard to capture her on an iPhone camera.

This was the winner! I used Tiny Prints for this year's Christmas card; I love their designs.

I'm loving that our friends and family are already receiving it.

I loved how our Christmas card turned out this year. But I wish I had known about Pikcal because they have some great Christmas card designs AND they are offering 20% off for my readers by using the code: blogcard20 when you check out. 

I love the photos Heidi shot for us even if it felt a little awkward. 

We're the type of family that needs a photographer to give us ideas on what to do. I had also hoped for some closer shots since we wanted a Christmas card photo. 

All in all, she was a really nice photographer, but I'm not sure I would hire her again. 

Did you have professional photos taken or do you usually have a friend snap a few? I wish I had a photographer friend who would do ours for free next year...


  1. So sweet! I love your pictures! Next year I will likely hire someone to get some good shots of us! Tyler will likely not be a happy camper, ha!

  2. Way cute. Eric despises getting photos taken. He occasionally is a good sport for me, but it's like pulling teeth. ;)
