Friday, December 13, 2013

Love and Grace

I've been reminded this week, by my sister, that I need to show grace, love, and mercy to those around me through my words and actions. I need to stop tearing others apart and stop being unkind.  

I've also been encouraged to be proactive in loving others by Carrie and her love for showering people with cards and letters.  It's a simple way to show someone love and grace. 

Trader Joe's is one of my favorite places, and this week, I stopped by their card section and absolutely loved it. They have some of the cutest cards.  

I bought a few and have decided this is a great way that I can love and be a tiny blessing to others. 

What ways do you show love and grace? I'd love to find more ways. 

1 comment:

  1. We're all hardest on ourselves, because you always seem so positive and uplifting to me! :) But I love that idea of letters and cards -- such an easy way to brighten someone's day!
