Friday, July 12, 2013

high five for friday

This week has been a busy one, but today we're finally moving into our new apartment! I'm excited to be in a new location of Raleigh and start exploring it more. 

Here are some of my favorites this week: 

1. I don't know what you're hair is doing this summer, but mine is growing like crazy. Seriously, my stylist asked me if all I do is eat vitamins. My roots were out of control when I went to see her on Wednesday. Seeing Tracy was treat, she is hilarious, gives me a great cut and highlight, and this time I enjoyed a glass of wine and a hand/arm massage. It was heaven and perfect after three night shifts.  

2. Remember how I love the book 7: A Mutiny Against Excess? Well, the Summit has been doing a women's book club and discussing it (you can home if you're interested: go here). I was going to meet a friend for supper before but it fell through, so I enjoyed a relaxing bite at Foster's Market before heading to the book club. It was delicious! I highly recommend the Tarragon chicken salad.

3. The Chef and I text pictures like this one back and forth to each other week every week showing what Aida is doing during the day. She makes every so much better.

4. We're ready for the movers to arrive this morning! It's always bittersweet moving, and this year is no different. While we're so excited to be in a new area of Raleigh, we're sad to leave the best floor of neighbors. We've never lived in an apartment where we spent time with our neighbors, and this past year has been such a blessing to live close to three couples who are great.

5. I forgot a photo, but I drove to the outlets yesterday and stocked up on a few pairs of JCrew shorts. They are on sale, so run to the outlet or shop online while they last. And next week, their new collection comes out...I may be heading back again soon.

Happy Weekend!

Linking up with Lauren and Lindsey


  1. I was about to ask you if you're in NC (every NC has to have a pair of Jacks) :-) and saw that you're in Raleigh!! So fun...I am too! What part of Raleigh are you moving to? Good luck with the move!!

  2. Aida is so adorable! Congrats on the move! Hopefully you'll have more wonderful neighbors soon :) Found you from H54F!

  3. Good luck with the move! And Happy Friday! Saying hi from Lindsey's Friday Favorites link up. :)

  4. I'm envious of your hair growing like a weed! Mine is at that length it just seems to stop at and I'm very frustrated...and yes I'm taking my vitamins! Hope your move goes well today


  5. I just nominated you for a liebster award! If you'd like to participate head on over to my blog for the info!


  6. your blog is darling! just found it through out little nest :)


  7. My hair is growing a ton too... I need to get it cut!! Good luck with the move, and OMG Aida is too cute! :)

  8. I am a day late and a dollar short, but I hope the move went well! And, we text each other pictures of Oliver, too! :)
